KGP Flush Ingredients

Berberis Vulgaris

Berberis vulgaris has traditionally been used by homeopathic physicians to treat the pain and spasm associated with kidney stones.

Agrimony Herb

Agrimony has traditionally been used to help with gallbladder and liver disorders due to its bitter tonic action, which promotes the stimulation of digestive and liver secretions. It is also valued for helping with kidney stones due to its silica component. And finally, Agrimony is considered beneficial in dealing with urinary incontinence, cystitis and other disorders of the urinary tract.

Chanca Piedra Herb

Chanca Piedra works equally well on softening gallstones, kidney stones, kidney sludge, and pancreatic sludge. In fact, the name Chanca Piedra, as it is known in Peru, comes from its effect on kidney stones and gallstones. The literal translation is "stone breaker." It effectively softens both kidney stones and gallstones for easy passage out of the body. It is also renowned for its diuretic qualities and has been shown effective at helping with edema and urine retention. It also works as an anti-inflammatory agent in the kidneys and as an antihepatotoxic in the liver. That is to say, it counters the effects of toxins in the liver.

Corn Silk Style and Stigma

Corn silk is a soothing diuretic and works as an excellent remedy for urinary conditions such as retained urine, burning urine, kidney stones, bladder problems, gonorrhea, and as a lymphatic system cleanser. Corn Silk is used to help with general kidney health.


Dandelion Leaf

Dandelion Leaf is a bitter herb that is highly effective as a blood cleanser that strains and filters toxins from the blood.

Dandelion Leaf is a superb diuretic that improves the function of the pancreas, spleen, stomach, and kidneys (reduces kidney inflammation) without depleting potassium from the body.

But primarily, Dandelion Leaf is one of the great liver herbs. It is the best lipotropic known, flushing excess fat from the liver, thereby helping to relieve chronic liver congestion. In addition, it increases the production of bile. And studies have proven that it actually has "liver healing" properties.

deionized water

Goldenrod Herb

Goldenrod is used as an aquaretic agent, meaning that it promotes the loss of water from the body (as compared to a diuretic, which promotes the loss of both water and electrolytes such as salt). It is used frequently in Europe to help with urinary tract inflammation and kidney stones. In fact, Goldenrod has received official recognition in Germany for its effectiveness in getting rid of kidney stones. To support a kidney detox, Goldenrod is commonly found in teas to help "flush out" kidney stones, and for general kidney health. Goldenrod is said to wash out microorganisms and kidney stones by increasing the flow of urine, and also, soothe inflamed tissues and calm muscle spasms in the urinary tract.

Several studies have found that Goldenrod does in fact increase urine flow.

Grain alcohol (45-55% by volume)

Gravel Root

Like Chanca Piedra and Hydrangea, Gravel Root also exhibits both diuretic and anti-lithic properties. Used primarily for kidney stones or gravel (which accounts for its name), it also helps with cystitis, dysuria, urethritis, and pelvic inflammatory problems. It can also help with rheumatism and gout as it encourages excretion of excess uric acid. And finally, it tones the reproductive tract and is used to address inflammation of the prostate.

Horsetail Herb

Horsetail has not been extensively studied in people, but professional herbalists recognize that the herb has diuretic (promotes the excretion of urine) properties that may be useful for the following health problems:

  • Urinary tract conditions
  • Kidney stones

Horsetail has been shown to possess hemolytic (blood clotting) and antibiotic activity, properties that contribute to the healing process. Horsetail also supplies calcium to the body, and is rich in several other minerals that the body uses to rebuild injured tissue.

In addition, Horsetail's high silica content helps reduce the risk of excessive bleeding and contributes to the building of healthy blood cells. Research has shown that horsetail increases the number of phagocytes that get rid of microorganisms and other foreign substances, which improves the functioning of the entire immune system.

Hydrangea Root

The most common use for Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) is for the kidneys and bladder because of its effective diuretic property which helps increase the flow of urine. This removes impurities from the system and lessens the likelihood of infection along the entire urinary tract, which includes the kidneys, bladder, prostate (in men) and urethra. Hydrangea, like Chanca Piedra, is also considered an anti-lithic herb, which prevents stones or gravel from forming in the kidneys and bladder. As an anti-lithic herb, it can also assist the body in removing stones and gravel from these organs. This was a primary use of Hydrangea by Native Americans.

Juniper Berry

Juniper Berries are a prime herb for eliminating congestion of the kidneys and for removing waste products from the system via the kidneys. It also strengthens and builds the tract, the urinary passages and the bladder as well as the kidneys.

Juniper Berries have also been recommended to strengthen the pancreas and the adrenal glands, thus being of importance for people with diabetes.

Juniper Berries are beneficial in reducing congestion. Juniper Berries make an excellent antiseptic in conditions such as cystitis. But the essential oil present in this herb is quite stimulating to the kidney nephrons. Some texts warn that Juniper oil may be a kidney irritant at higher doses, but there is no real evidence that this is the case, and the dosage in this detox tea is quite low. Nonetheless, people with serious kidney disease probably shouldn't take Juniper Berries.

Contemporary herbalists primarily use Juniper Berries as a diuretic ("water pill") component of health supplements designed to address bladder ailments. The volatile oils of Juniper reportedly increase the rate of kidney filtration, thereby increasing urine flow and perhaps helping to "wash out" offending microorganisms. The volatile oils, particularly terpinen-4-ol, may cause an increase in urine volume. According to some sources, Juniper Berries increase urine volume without a loss of electrolytes such as potassium. It is recommended by the German Commission E for kidney ailments.

Marshmallow Root

The great demulcent and emollient properties of Marshmallow make it useful in inflammation and irritation of the alimentary canal, and of the urinary and respiratory organs. Marshmallow's mucilage content helps soothe inflamed tissues -- not only in the intestinal tract, but also in the lungs making it beneficial in cases of bronchitis and asthma. The active biochemicals in Marshmallow are large carbohydrate (sugar) molecules, which make up the mucilage. This smooth, slippery substance can soothe and protect irritated mucous membranes, making it an essential healing ingredient in any colon cleansing product.

Marshmallow has been known to assist in indigestion, aid with the urinary tract, and even external skin wounds such as boils and abscesses. It is known to help ease the passage of kidney stones and is used in combination with other diuretic herbs for kidney therapy which assist in the release of gravel and stones. It works very well for urinary problems. Marshmallow also has factors which help to cleanse the body. This makes Marshmallow an excellent herb to add to other formulas to help neutralize toxins that are the causative factors of arthritis.

Marshmallow is also very soothing to any sore or inflamed part(s) of the body. As well as the urinary tract, this herb will soothe an irritated digestive tract and help with diarrhea or dysentery.

Orange Peel

Limonene and flavonoids found in Orange Peel seem to have anti-carcinogenic properties. They can block the carcinogenesis by acting as a blocking agent. Studies have shown that limonin and limonene can induce the enzyme activity of glutathione S-transferase, which is an important detoxifying enzyme.

Orange Peel also is high in bioflavonoids and delivers relief from occasional heartburn, acid indigestion, and upset stomach. In addition, Orange Peel also has diuretic properties.

Parsley Root

It is traditionally used as an expectorant and therapy for bronchial cough, as well as addressing bone and joint complaints.

It restores digestion, supports the liver, kidneys and adrenal glands, purifies blood and body fluids, helps the body's defensive mechanisms and chokes negative microorganisms. It is also great for immune system support.

It enriches the spleen, stomach, and liver and benefits the kidneys, uterus, and adrenal glands.

An important diuretic, Parsley Root also helps aid in the removal of uric acid from the urinary tract and helps dissolve and expel gallstones and gravel and put a stop to their future formation. It also inhibits the secretion of histamine and is therefore useful in addressing hives and reducing other allergy symptoms. A decoction of Parsley Root can help with bloating and reduce weight by eliminating excess water gain.

Peppermint Leaf

Peppermint has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the digestive and urinary system. It is useful for helping with spasm problems in the urinary tract.

Three double-blind trials found that enteric-coated peppermint oil reduced the pain associated with intestinal spasms, commonly experienced in IBS.

Uva Ursi Leaf

Uva Ursi contains a compound called arbutin which has the ability to drain excess water from cells, promoting an antiseptic effect on the kidneys. In the urinary tract, the arbutin in Uva Ursi is chemically transformed into an antiseptic chemical, hydroquinone. Uva Ursi also contains diuretic chemicals, including ursolic acid, powerful astringents, and a chemical, Allantoin, that helps promote the growth of healthy new cells. Uva Ursi may help the bladder, cystitis, nephritis, water retention, liver ailments and chronic diarrhea.

During its excretion arbutin produces an antiseptic effect on the urinary mucous membrane and can therefore help assist with the urinary tract. Tannic acid is also contained in the leaves. This herb also helps to keep the pH balance of urine from being too acid. It actually strengthens the lining of the urinary tract and helps to ease any inflammation in the system. It has a direct sedative effect on the bladder walls. Allantoin, also found in Uva Ursi spurs the healing of wounds. For chronic inflammation of the bladder or kidneys Uva Ursi has no equal. Two studies report that urine from individuals given Uva Ursi are active against the most commonly involved microorganisms in bladder and urinary tract ailments.

This study supports the results of a double blind study of 57 women with recurrent cystitis. After one year, the placebo group had 20% incidence of recurring cystitis, whereas the Uva Ursi group had no reoccurrence.

In addition it has anti-lithic properties that help in dissolving crystals not just in the kidneys, but throughout the body as well. It has, therefore, been used for arthritis and other joint problems.

What Ethically Wild Crafted Means

Wild crafting is the practice of harvesting plants from their natural, or wild" habitat, for food or medicinal purposes. It means the plants are uncultivated, and harvesting takes place wherever they may be found. Ethical wild crafting means that the harvesting is done sustainably.